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Learn a Language in 6 Months

TED 这个 如何在6个月内学会任何一种外语 的视频真的很不错。大家学习都各有套路,可真要自己总结出这个东西,就不容易了。简单的列一下它提出的 “5 Principles of Rapid Language Acquisition

###5 Principles for Rapic Language Acquisition

  1. Focus on language content that is relevant to you </strong>we master tools by using tools, we learn tools fastest when they are relevant
  2. Use your New Language as a Tool to Communicate .. From Day 1
  3. When you first UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE, you will unconsciously ACQUIRE the Language!!
  4. Physiological Training</strong>  Language learning is also kind of physical training, when your FACE HURTS, you are doing it RIGHT
  5. Psycho-physiological STATE Matters!! Never try to understand every word, learn to tolerate Ambiguity and don’t be perfert

###7 Actions for Rapic Language Acquisition

  1. Listen A LOT! Even you don’t understand the meanning, do Brain Soaking
  2. Focus on getting the meaning FIRST before the words, using body language , using Patterns you already know
  3. Start Mixing !! Learn as Baby, you don’t need grammar and rules before using it
  4. Focus on the Core  3000 words give 98% Coverage
  5. Get a Language Parent
  6. Copy the Face
  7. “Direct Connect to Mental Images”

关于外语学习,按照这个实践去做,应当真的会学得很快,是不是6个月就不知道了。因为这还取决于 Principles #1 到底有多少相关性,虽然1万小时理论可能不是那么绝对,但是大量的时间却是少不了的。

从我自己的感觉,有几个语言学习的误区需要注意。 第一个误区是 Principles #2,大家都把语言当成要学习的东西,而忘了语言本身是工具,所以从开始就是使用工具本身,大家常常都忘了。这还不只是说学了一句外语就应该用它的意思,而是学会用外语本身来寻求外语本身的答案,所以,类似 “请再说一遍”,“不好意思,我不是很明白” … 这样的句子,应该是首先学会的东西。

第二个误区是 Action #7,联想记忆法是好的,可常常有人用汉语来注音,根据注音后的意思来记单词,虽然然可能有效,可相当不喜欢这个方法。其实除了这种联想,还可以用图片书写等其他方式。

抛开外语学习来说,其实这几个Principle和Actions,用到计算机编程语言学习上来,也是完全适用的,只是要适当替换一下实践的内容就可以了。所以6个月精通一门计算机语言,也不是不可能吧 ^_^ 算是个好消息吧