1. Prepare the software you want
e.g. I download spring development tool suit
2. Make it able to run in bash
sudo ln -s ~/springsource/sts-2.6.1.RELEASE/STS /usr/bin/sts
3. Create application icon
cd /usr/share/applications sudo vim STS.desktop
add following text:
[Desktop Entry] Name=sts GenericName=STS Commen=Spring Tools Suit Exec=/usr/bin/sts StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/home/villim/Tools/springsource/sts-2.6.1.RELEASE/icon.xpm Categories=Development;IDE;
4. Make application run when system startup
like tomboy, if you wanna automatically run it when system startup.just go :
System --> Preferences --> Startup Applications