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Sftp Usage

What is SFTP?

FTP seems like a really ancient term now … Although we don’t use it too much now, it is still a chooice when we want to transfer files between two remote systems as its name “File Transfer Protocol”.

SFTP, It’s easy to guess stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. Most of the time, SFTP is preferable to FTP! espeicily when you choose a business solution. The reason is also obviously.

Althoguht there’s plenty of GUI tools, but infact the commandline is also quite handy and powerful.

##Connect & Disconnnect

# sftp username@remote_hostname_or_ip
# username@remote_hostname_or_ip's password:
# <password>
Connected to remote_hostname_or_ip
sftp> exit 

on SFTP Server

sftp> pwd
sftp> ls
sftp> cd 

on local machine

sftp> lpwd
sftp> lls
sftp> lcd

Transferring Files

upload to SFTP

sftp> put localFile
sftp> put -r localDirectory 

donwload from SFTP

sftp> get remoteFile
sftp> get -Pr remoteDirectory  
# -P maintain the appropriate permissions 

More Commands

DF - Display statistics

# display remote SFTP
sftp> df -h
    Size     Used    Avail   (root)    %Capacity
  40.7GB   14.8GB   23.8GB   25.9GB          36%
# display local machine
sftp> !df -h
Filesystem                   Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused               
/dev/disk1s1                234Gi  201Gi   28Gi    88% 2146890 
devfs                       332Ki  332Ki    0Bi   100%    1150                   
/dev/disk1s4                234Gi  4.0Gi   28Gi    13%       6 
... ...                   

CHMOD - Change permissions of file

# Change SFTP file
sftp> chmod 777 publicFile

# Change local file
sftp> !chmod 644 somefile

There are more commands we can use : CHGRP, CHOWN, RENAME … try to find more description from help document.

Help Document

sftp> help