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Test AWS Locally with LocalStack


In case we want to use AWS SQS locally, we can try with LocalStack.

LocalStack is a cloud software development framework to develop and test your AWS applications locally. But we need notice that, LocalStack just mimic AWS features, cannot guarantee exactly the same function.

1. Install Localstack

Just follow the official document for installation:

brew install localstack/tap/localstack-cli

if encounter problem, just try reinstall first:

brew reinstall localstack-cli

Once it’s installed, we can start it:

localstack --version
localstack start -d


Install AWS-CLI from Amazon or can choose AWSCLI-LOCAL which is a thin wrapper around the aws command line interface for use with LocalStack.

Here we just need using SQS, AWS-CLI is satisfied and prefered.

Make sure following 2 configuration files are correct:

2.1 File .aws/config

 region = us-east-1
 output = json
 endpoint_url = http://localhost:4566

2.2 File .aws/credentials

 aws_access_key_id = test
 aws_secret_access_key = test
  • [localstack] means we need pass parameter –profile localstack
  • Change [localstack] to [default] to get rid of –profile parameter

3. Quick Start with SQS

3.1 Create Queue

aws sqs create-queue --queue-name localstack-sqs-test-queue --profile localstack

3.2 View Queues

aws sqs list-queues --profile localstack

should see response as:

    "QueueUrls": [

3.3 Send & Receive Messages

aws sqs send-message --queue-url --message-body 'testing message'

aws sqs receive-message --queue-url

4. Quick Start with S3

4.1 Create Bucket

aws s3api create-bucket --profile localstack --bucket localstack-test-s3-bucket

4.2 Upload Object

aws s3api put-object --profile localstack --bucket localstack-test-s3-bucket --key test-file-key --body [file-path]

4.3 List Objects in Bucket

aws s3api list-objects --profile localstack --bucket localstack-test-s3-bucket

4.4 Delete Object by Key

aws s3api delete-object --profile localstack --bucket localstack-test-s3-bucket --key test-file-key